Paradise in Muslim Literature


October 31 - 12:00 am


May 31 - 12:00 pm


Aga Khan Centre Gallery

This virtual exhibition brings together a collection of titles from both Aga Khan Library and Ismaili Special Collections Unit (The Institute of Ismaili Studies) as a way of sharing specific narratives around the subject of Paradise.

In the first instance, this exhibition is presented online as a way of enabling global audiences to access and engage with the work of Aga Khan Library (AKL) and Ismaili Special Collections Unit (ISCU). It offers the opportunity to examine selected titles from both collections that inspire focused thought around the subject of Paradise. It is also an opportunity to share a collaborative exhibition for the first time with audiences who may not otherwise engage with our work. The exhibition is made up of three chosen titles from AKL and ISCU, with images of key pages opened that reveal the connection to the subject and curatorial notation on why they have been selected.

Virtual exhibition